It is your job to collect and take care of all the props and furniture 
You have elected to do props. Here is your job.

1.Make a list of all the props that we will need.  This takes a careful reading of the script.  After you make your own list, e-mail me  and ask what I want to add to the list. Pay attention to all rehearsals to find out what props you will need.
3.Collect all props.  Some will be very difficult to find or collect.  Be creative and resourceful.  Don't hesitate to ask others to help, but it is your responsibility.
4.On October 1 give a list of all props to the AD and send me a list by e-mail.  By this date you are required to have all props ready.  Do not wait to the last few days of October to find everything you need.
5.You are financially responsible for the props.  If an actor looses a prop, you have to buy another one.  Be sure that all props are locked away after each rehearsal in the same place.  Jealously guard all props.  Do not let the actors loose anything.
6.Before each rehearsal and each performance be sure that the props are in their proper place.
7.You are responsible for props during the performances.  If a prop is not available because someone lost it, it is your responsibility.  If possible, get extra props to prepare for any lost items.
8.After the play, return all props to their proper owner and write letters of thanks.  Show the letters to me.
9.Do not let the actors lose any props.  This may be the most difficult part of your job.            In order to get a passing grade, all props must be in position whenever needed.
In order to get at least a B, you should find some props on your own.

holding a prop
Lindsey was in charge of props for The Diviners.